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Had the opportunity to sponsor a very special discussional coverage this year for YWLC’s International Women’s Day 2015. Held at &SONS Bistro, this Saturday afternoon’s gathering had a well-rounded group of successful women figures, who had shared many thoughts on their paths in their life, and taking steps up to where they are right now.

With a host of affluent guest speakers such as:

  1. Ms. Grace Fu (Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for the Environment and Water Resources & Second Minister for Foreign Affairs, Chair of YWLC Council of Advisors),

  2. Ms. Pamela Lim (Ex-SMU Professor & Successful Entrepreneur),

  3. Ms. Krystal Choo (CEO & Founder of Wander App),

  4. Ms. Chan Sing Yee (Partner, WongPartnership LLP),

  5. Ms. Candice Ong (Managing Director of Regional Marketing, Zalora Group) &

  6. Ms. Fiona Walker (Principal & CEO of Julia Gabriel Education),

We must say that even we had our fair share of lessons learned from this wonderful event.

Thank you for having us on board for this very special celebratory session and we hope you will love our photos as much we have to cover them for you! Cheers! 😉 



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