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A smile on a picture speaks millions about your event. Be it a private celebration, the quarterly retreat or an up-scaled multi-diversified event.

EVENTS Photography

Playing a huge part in the respective genres of businesses and individual lifestyles, Events are an essential segment to either help boost the rankings of organizations or imprint a memorable moment in a person’s timeline. In every case, Events Photography plays an unprecedented role in capturing the varying essence of each unique event.

Be it from the intrigues of various events, mystical performances, private moments of small functions or private gatherings, illustrious anniversaries, to awe-inspiring camps, we at ROBERRYARTS EVENT, having at least 8 years of Events Photography experience in Singapore, the events capital of Asia, will be there to help give you the assurance you’ll need that your event’s essential moments will always be captured for your keepsake.

If you are thinking about the changing scale and size of the Events Photography landscapes may affect the quality of photography results, in the short execution span of your event, let us and our in-depth experience in Events Photography be there to warrant your Events Photography coverage is in good hands.

Let Us help bring your Events Photography up a notch! Engage Us for your Events Photography needs Today!

See Some Of The Events We Had Done

We now only restrict full-album previews due to Clients' privacy.
Private viewings will still be available upon request.

View Curated Events Portfolio

Based in Singapore, we are a brand synonymous with bringing quality & highly-expressive work to our clients.

Why Us

Find out more on why clients love & continue to work with us over the years.

Make An Enquiry

Reach out to us if you need some advice or just curious about our services.

Archived Events Portfolio

We used to showcase the latest albums from our Clients but have since reclused this practice to reserve our Clients’ privacy. Here are some of our archived albums under CAPTUREFUSE Photography. 


We are now one bigger ROBERRYARTS family to better serve you.

Let Us Help Tell Your Story Today.