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In a blink of an eye, 3 days and 2 nights of immensely-packed SMUX activities just buzzed past us just like that! It felt just as though the fun has just begun just only yesterday, as everyone entered with their overly-sized packs into the SMU Sports Hall.

Each day was then filled with many new challenges and everyone gradually grew closer together as each team took on these new sports head-on and helped one another as they thread together as one. Be it the 10-km trek, the 5-metre dive pool, the 15-km cycle, the 5-km kayak, or the exciting introductions to skating and zorball, it was just a pleasure seeing all the smiles and laughter despite the apparent tiredness from each of the enduring sport!

SMUX Camp 2014 also predictably marks the unique-end to a nearly 15-year endurance in camp photography for us, as we, unlike most camp photographers, brave through the entire span of each camp coverage, including the pre-camp extension, for us to gauge what is expected for our photography coverage. We are sincerely thankful for the EXCO for being kind to our assistance and requests, as well as joyous to see the wonderful moments created from our snapshots, and the exciting new friendships forged during all these camp seasons!

Thank you for sharing your AWESOME and Happy moments with us! We look forward to seeing you at other potential events in the near future! Do continue to support us! Look out for the upcoming exciting video that we’ll be putting up soon after!

Remember our motto, “Study Hard… Play HARDER..” People! Cheers! 😉



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