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Marking another year with the SMUX Family, it feels nostalgic to celebrate the rebirth of a new generation of SMUX Freshies with this SMUX Camp 2016.

Thank you SMUX CAMP for having us Robert Chai (Roberryarts / Capturefuse Photography) for being a proud Major Sponsor for this camp, as well as being a major part of your camp experience! Despite the significant changes to the usual camp schedule this year, where the original 3D2N camp is now a 2D1N camp, we’re glad to see that new bonds are still forged and new family ties are still created with the unique experience here with the people from SMUXtremists.

Going from Behind-The-Scenes (BTS), to unglam shots of unexpecting SMUXies, to the on-going affairs of the experience of the camp, we have now linked up to our experiences as one fulfilling story for your viewing pleasure!

For all the newcomers to the SMUX family, we hope that this short experience with us has been a fruitful and meaningful one for you to start your SMU journey with us!

For the sophomore, juniors and seniors of the family, thanks for having us join in your little conversations and smiles through this little story we have created together! Let us all continue to keep in touch and seek our next adventure together!

Let’s Unleash The Extremes on our next adventure together as a SMUX Family! Cheers! 😉



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