
Digital // Identity // Waste Less // Save Water Campaign 2013

Design Brief

The ‘Save Water Campaign 2013‘ was a concept design competition that we decided to partake in given its drive to push for a water-saving movement, which we found meaningful.

The competition concept was divided into three parts, given (1) A logo must be derived, (2) An Attitudes Poster needed to be created to breakdown the current situation of water usage, and (3) A ‘Take Action’ Poster was also needed to create awareness and encourage others to take action on reducing their water consumption.

Diving into the designing of the brand identity primarily, we idealized that the design must be straightforward but also invoke a subtle sense of inquisitiveness so that the audience will gradually be drawn in to find out more about what the designed collateral is all about.

Given that, we placed a final shape of a water droplet that we believe made perfect sense of the context of what the brand is all about. We then also included a lightly-tinted, patterned-shape background droplet, to primarily, heightened the contrast of the blue water droplet in the foreground, and secondarily, create that subtle sense of query, to invite the audience for a second take at the brand.

Lastly, we came up with a brand name, ‘Waste Less‘, to help make a clear depiction of what the brand is all about, in hopes that it will also bring forth the attention of the viewer to follow up with the continued content in the design collateral.

Design Concept

Client & Medium

Waste Less, Save Water Campaign 2013

Digital Brand Identity.


  • Concept Design
  • Digitization of Brand Idea
  • Color Blending


  • Professional
  • Visual
  • Striking
  • Simple
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