
Digital // Websites // CAPTUREFUSE PHOTOGRAPHY . Events Photography Specialists

Design Brief

Being another sub-divided branding created to categorize specific works in corporate, events, and parties photography, CAPTUREFUSE PHOTOGRAPHY was eventually formed under the ROBERRYARTS STUDIOS umbrella to cater specifically to that purpose.

In essence, due to the growing albums in this segmentation of photography work, a new realignment was deemed necessary by our Founder, Mr. Robert Chai, to help potential clients readily identify a clear specialty through the means of a separate brand identity.

Given the constant movement in the digital revolution in recent years, we have decided to implement some online album viewing features, as well as the inclusion of customized client details forms, to help better utilize the website to automate certain segments of the photography business.

As the brand tilts more towards a corporatised-event function, we then decided to structure the website in a more formal and professional format. With clear-cut images that immediately display snapshots of what the brand is great at, we then added sample viewings of albums, as well as key clients that the CAPTUREFUSE PHOTOGRAPHY have worked with, to better emphasize its corporate standing and trustworthy capabilities to its current and potential future clients.

A key component added was a simplified workflow to aids the client to easily update new album content and storyline into their online portfolio, which eventually helped the client to save a significant amount of time yet being able to achieve a synchronized overall look to the web experience for their audiences.

New features have been rolling up to the website from time-to-time since 2013 to date, to it abreast with new photography content and website structural updates.

Design Concept

Client & Medium


Website. Customised CMS WordPress Setup with Curated Plugins. Management of Domain Name, Nameservers & Web Hosting Settings. Curated Content Selection.


  • Concept Design
  • Presentation Animation Flow
  • Interactive Storytelling


  • Corporate
  • Formal
  • Professional
  • Striking
  • Vibrant
  • Lively
Design Preview
Design Concept
Click Below To Preview Design Work Sample

Website Has Discontinued & Merged Under ROBERRYARTS CREATIVES in Nov 2020
Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style.Massimo Vignelli, Italian Designer
See Other Designs We Had Done
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